
Saturday 28 September 2013

Rain, rain and more bloody rain

It's been raining a fair bit. Well, it hasn't stopped raining in about 26 hours, we are now officially an island, there is no way off this campus. All roads have been close and it's still raining! To be honest i've been asked whether it reminds me of home... Well actually no, after a lot of thought (yes this is what i've ended up thinking about, sad isn't it?) after a lot of thought i've decided the best is to describe british weather is that it just is. It's a little rainy sometimes, a little cloudy sometimes, a little misty sometimes, and, on rare occasions it's a little warm. But it's never really anything, in scotland at least when it's cold it's actually cold, us brits just put on a jumper and head inside to write a strongly worded letter to the weatherperson.

I've joined all my CASs, right now, i'm signed up for football league, Model UN, HIV/AIDS peer educators and wilderness. Restorative justice sounds really interesting because it's all about helping young people who have committed a small crime realise what they've done and helping them to understand it. Not all those who wander are lost, so i'm really excited for wilderness because it will give me the chance to learn loads of new skills including first aid training.

Not for the first time on this blog will I say "america's a strange place". Don't get me wrong, I love this country, but it's very strange. For example I was looking for closed top mug to have tea in lessons (got to stay awake somehow) and instead of that I found children's toys then, two isles down, I found guns. Yes, the big pointy-shooty things. I mean, it's probably easier to get guns than it is alcohol, cigarettes or even spray paint! I bet at secret santas they hand out guns instead of other stuff, with a clip limit instead of money limit!

It's a short post I know but it's just to update you before i'm off to MEXICO TOMORROW! I can't wait, all will be explained after I get back in about a week, until then I probably won't be able to communicate.


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